With thanks to all of the organisations and roundtable participants for their contributions to the discussions and individual roundtable reports, which can be read below
Untapping the Potential of AI in Science
British Science Association
AI offers enormous potential to transform and accelerate scientific research. This is already clear from discoveries and advances in life sciences, energy, and planetary science. As highlighted by high-profile advances like AlphaFold, there is still much to explore in terms of how AI is being, and could be, used in science, and how policy can support its positive impact. This report explores what steps AI labs, research organisations, and policymakers could take to untap the potential of AI in science.
Skating to Where the Puck is Going: Anticipating and Managing Risks from Frontier AI Systems
Centre for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET)
The rise of large language models has demonstrated that AI is becoming more general-purpose. Current systems are already capable of performing a wide range of distinct tasks, including translating text, writing and editing prose, solving math problems, writing software, and much more. This report considers the broader horizon of AI development beyond LLMs and discusses measures that industry and governments should consider to guide these technologies in a positive and beneficial direction. The objective of the roundtable was to help bridge the gap between the state of the current conversation and the reality of AI technology at the research frontier, which has potentially widespread implications for both national security and society at large.
Data Equity and Data Governance in AI
Chatham House
Datasets are fundamental to training and operating AI systems. The recent acceleration in the pace of AI development and use has implications for data - how much is needed, and the extent to which its quality impacts society. As a result, attention is increasingly turning to the data governance practices that underpin AI development. This report explores the challenges of data equity and the kind of data governance that would be needed for equitable outcomes from AI.
Using AI to Improve Employment Outcomes for People with Disabilities
Claypool Consulting
People with disabilities have long faced inequities when it comes to employment. The recent emergence of AI technologies could present opportunities to increase employment and earnings opportunities for people with disabilities. This report explores the current barriers to employment for people with disabilities and shares ideas for AI tools that can improve these outcomes, specifying considerations that must be incorporated into the development of such tools.
AI and the Future of Food Security
Gro Intelligence
This report explores the potential for AI to help increase global food security by enabling businesses, governments and NGOs to develop more resilient, crisis-proof food systems in the face of an increasingly changed climate.
AI Policy and Governance
Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)
Recent, rapid developments in AI have the potential to improve the lives of many people across the world. These same developments have highlighted the harms and risks posed by AI systems and tools, and the need for innovative policy and governance to address these challenges. The AI Policy and Governance Working Group (AIPGWG) represents a mix of sectors, disciplines, perspectives, and approaches, and organizes events that engage the public in discussion of the societal implications of AI. In June, the AIPGWG held a roundtable at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ, and provided recommendations concerning 1) evaluation of AI systems, and 2) access to AI models and systems to encourage transparency and accountability as a joint response to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) request for comment on AI accountability policy. In September, it submitted recommendations concerning global AI governance to the United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology.
AI and the Future of Learning
Royal Society of Arts (RSA)
Could artificial intelligence help unlock a revolution in how and when we learn across our lifetimes? This report explores the dynamic landscape of lifelong learning and AI, the opportunities and challenges of AI-enabled personalised learning, and the exciting future developments that have the potential to reshape education.
Model Machines: Exploring AI Futures Through Art and Design
UAL: Central Saint Martins
Google DeepMind worked with UAL: Central Saint Martins to design an experiential public exhibition entitled Model Machines. The exhibition explored what a world with AI might look and feel like and how AI might benefit humanity. In partnership with Google DeepMind’s researchers, students on the MA Material Futures programme had nine weeks to research and design a future AI concept of their choosing and to build an experiential prototype.
AI Policy and Governance
The AI Policy and Governance Working Group (AIPGWG) represents a mix of sectors, disciplines, perspectives, and approaches, and organizes events that engage the public in discussion of the societal implications of AI. In June, the AIPGWG held a roundtable at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ, and provided recommendations as a joint response to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) request for comment on AI accountability policy. In September, it submitted recommendations2 concerning global AI governance to the United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology